Our Foundational Principles
We use science-driven solutions to improve ecosystem health and human well-being.
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We embed climate science into every part of our work, so that we can scale impact to combat climate change.
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We pledge to incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice into every aspect of our organization.
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Using science to create positive change
For over five decades, Manomet has earned a reputation for being laser-focused on quality science and applying our science collaboratively to address real-world challenges.
Our MissionNew study heightens need for broad and decisive conservation actions to slow the accelerating decline of shorebird populations
Newly released data shows most shorebird species in North America have lost more than half their population numbers in recent years. As steep downward trends continue, researchers are asking for formal evaluations and a targeted increase in conservation efforts.
Latest news
Arctic Surveys In Teshekpuk Lake Special Area, Alaska
Stepping onto the tundra for the first time this season felt like coming home, and also like the culmination of my career.
Why Shorebird Conservation Matters to Manomet’s New Managing Director of Flyways
Dr. Juliana Bosi de Almeida aims to tackle shorebird conservation challenges across the Americas in her new role as Managing Director of Manomet’s Flyways program
Manomet awarded new funding to study sea level rise impacts on Maine’s coastal communities
By using local knowledge and cutting-edge imaging technology, researchers aim to better understand how climate change will impact Maine’s shellfish industry and the communities that rely on it
Manomet is best known for its work on avian species and is a global leader in shorebird conservation. We will grow the impact of this work through enhanced site conservation, expanded monitoring, and increased emphasis on working lands and seas. [Photo: Hudsonian Godwits take flight. Credit: Diego Luna Quevedo.]

Our greatest conservation accomplishments involve our ability to work with others, integrating cutting-edge science, targeted management actions, and long-term monitoring to improve habitat. We identify threats to nature and develop measures to alleviate pressure on the most valuable and sensitive ecosystems. Healthy ecosystems and vibrant wildlife populations are critical to ensuring that human communities thrive. [Photo: White-rumped Sandpiper in breeding plumage. Credit: Shiloh Schulte.]

We believe that education is one of the best tools to create long-term change. We see the opportunity to influence a broad array of individuals on the value of the natural world through outreach in Southeast Massachusetts, extending nationally and internationally through virtual programming and on-the-ground education.

Working Lands and Seas
High-quality habitat conditions for wildlife can exist alongside resource-based industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and salt production. Using our experience developed over several decades, we are expanding our efforts to secure greater conservation impacts. [Photo: Dunlin flying over rice fields. Credit: Monica Iglecia.]
Our Strategic Priorities: 2021-2024
In 2020, we embarked on a strategic planning process to refine our mission and identify strategic priorities that build on our history, knowledge, and talent. We are excited to share with you these priorities for Manomet’s next chapter.