
Alan Kneidel

Staff Biologist


My visit to Manomet on Thursday was a tropical one. Despite my perspiration, there were several noteworthy discoveries to be had. While wading through the rapidly growing vegetation along Stage Point, I heard the unmistakable “squeaky shoe” call of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (RBGR). After peering in the direction of the sound, I spotted an adult male in the oak canopy. While I would normally just consider this a lone wanderer, it reminded me that in June 2019 we banded a female grosbeak along Stage Point as well – and she had a brood patch! Perhaps we have been hosting a pair of RBGRs underneath our nose for the past two years. While a common species in interior New England, RBGRs are quite scarce in coastal regions. Typically, we just encounter a few wayward migrant RBGR a year at Manomet, but perhaps the reforesting neighborhood has attracted a new resident.