In Nature in the Neighborhood, we explore some of the non-bird fauna you might see in your yard or neighborhood on a weekly basis.
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Species: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Group: Butterfly
Flight period: May-September
Host plant: variety of trees including cherries and sassafras
Habitat: open woods, parks, residential areas
Interesting Fact: This species belongs to a complex of three similar species that vary in range and flight period. In all three, the female is dimorphic, including both a yellow and dark form.
Species: American (Small) Copper
Group: Butterfly
Flight period: April-November
Host plant: sheep sorrel, curly dock
Habitat: dry, open habitats
Interesting Fact: Some wonder if this species’ presence in North America may have Eurasian origins, as both of its American host plants are non-native Eurasian species.