Every fall since 1972, birders from across the country have participated in Manomet’s Annual Bird-a-thon.


The 48-hour birding competition was conceived by Banding Director Trevor Lloyd-Evans as a way for bird watchers and their supporters to sponsor and engage with the Manomet’s fledging bird banding program. 


Manomet’s Landbird Banding Program, which is celebrating its 45th year of standardized land bird banding data, has benefited greatly from the support generated from the annual event.


 “The support from Bird-a-thon and its participants has enabled us to continue developing our unbroken data series, said Lloyd-Evans.  “Which unbeknownst to us in the 1970s, has allowed us to detect long term biological trends crucial to land bird migration now and in the future.”


The two-day event, held on September 13-14, can be an individual pursuit, a group outing or even a team competition. Last year the Manomet Intern team won the team competition by recording 205 different species. A close second, with 115 species, was the 21 member-strong Manomet Councilors’ team, with birders across six states and one team member birding from Canada.


Bird-A-thon participants ask family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to pledge a certain amount for each different species seen in a 48-hour period. The event has included expert birders and first time adventurers.


Banding program supporters who are not able to bird but still wish to contribute can sponsor the Manomet Team or make a straightforward donation. All contributions go directly to support Manomet’s research and conservation programs.


This year, anyone donating $150 or raising $150 in sponsorships will receive a limited edition Bird-A-Thon t-shirt.



Contact Johanna Lawrence at (508) 224-6521 or jlawrence@manomet.org for more information.