Your participation in Manomet’s 38th annual Bird-a-Thon benefits our Landbird Conservation program, which includes Banding Lab and Climate Lab, as well as Education & Outreach.


In 1979—37 years ago—Trevor Lloyd-Evans, our director of Landbird Conservation, was brainstorming ways to raise funds and awareness. Drawing on the traditions of his native Britain, Lloyd-Evans suggested a Bird-a-Thon. Almost four decades later, the Bird-a-Thon continues as one of our enduring traditions.


This year, over the weekend of September 17 & 18, individuals and teams are invited to bird for up to 48 hours, wherever and however they want, identifying as many species as they can—by sight or by sound. Anyone can participate.




Bird-a-Thon benefits Manomet’s Landbird Conservation progam. We combine our long-term landbird migration data with nature-based learning opportunities to create powerful educational experiences for people of all ages. Our landbird banding lab maintains a 50-year dataset that shows how people can use science as a catalyst for effective conservation. 


By participating in Bird-a-Thon, you’re helping people become better stewards of our world—increasing their knowledge of scientific methodologies, natural systems, and climate change.


Research: We continue to build our long term migration dataset and share our data with academics, governments, and businesses to help illustrate long- and short-term biological changes. 


Education: We use nature and science to educate students of all ages, from Massachusetts to the rainforests of Central America.


You can support Landbird Conservation by participating in Bird-a-Thon as a birder or sponsor. As a birder, you can participate as an individual or a team. Any which way you Bird-a-Thon, it’s sure to be a feel-good time.


Anyone donating or raising $100 or more gets a limited edition Bird-a-Thon t-shirt. And don’t forget, as of last year, you can Bird-a-Thon online! Learn more and sign up at   


Contact Justin Barrett, Development Operations Manager, at 508-224-6421 ext. 237 or



How to Bird-a-Thon

Corporate Sponsorship Levels

Pledge Form

Donation Tracking Form