
Marissa McMahan

Fisheries Division Director

Join Dr. Marissa McMahan, Fisheries Division Director, and Dr. Gabriela Bradt, Fisheries Extension Specialist, NH Sea Grant & UNH Extension for a ‘how to’ webinar on soft-shell green crabs.

This webinar will focus on the techniques utilized to harvest and produce soft-shell green crabs, including a crash course on identifying pre-molt crabs, the skill which the entire fishery revolves around. Attendees will learn about ongoing efforts to develop a soft-shell green crab fishery in New England, including market development. This webinar is perfect for fishermen, chefs, consumers, regulators, scientists, educators, or anyone who has been thinking about, studying, already fishing for, or eating green crabs!

If you have any questions about this program, contact Chris Boudreaux, Donor Relations Manager, at

If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em!