Our banding lab is dedicated to producing consistent data. For the past 49 years, our 50 mist nets have been run on the same dates and in the same locations during the fall and spring migrations.  We do this so our data can accurately reflect how bird populations are changing from year to year.



For example, this season we have noticed unusual trends in some resident (non-migratory) birds, perhaps related to the recent severe winter.  This year the lab hasn’t recaptured any Carolina Wrens that were banded before the winter; and while there are still 17 banding days left this fall, the lab is on pace to capture less than half of its seasonal average number of cardinals. However, the 360 Tufted Titmice banded are approaching a new fall record high!


But data aren’t the only things our banding lab is passionate about. We love teaching too. Every season we invite school groups, clubs and individuals to come to our lab and learn about our work. We are committed to this because we believe that educating people about the birds around them encourages better stewardship of our world.



However, not everyone has enough time in their busy lives to visit us during the week. To be available to more people and families, the banding lab slightly shifted their weekly operations so that our nets were open on Saturday, October 10th . On this special day, which we aptly named Family Day, we offered an open invite for people to come see our operations up close and personal.



“Family Day was a great first step towards our goal of expanding outreach and educational efforts,” explained Lead Instructor Evan Dalton. “Through events like Family Day, we hope to not only educate more people on the topic of landbird conservation, but also to share the goals and achievements of Manomet’s diverse, science-based projects.”