Can a community build a future on fishing?
On January 23, Manomet will host a presentation in Boston on restoring what was once one of the world’s most vibrant fisheries. The talk will focus on the Downeast Fisheries Partnership (DFP), a recently launched effort to restore Downeast Maine’s freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Fish stocks in Downeast Maine are at an all time low and the region’s rivers hold the last remnants of wild Atlantic salmon in the United States.
At the event, Manomet’s Anne Hayden and Penobscot East Resource Center Executive Director Robin Alden will discuss a collaboration of local groups that has joined forces to restore these ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.
Cod landings in the Gulf of Maine have dropped by 90% over the past 150 years, and virtually no cod have been caught in eastern Maine for more than 20 years. However, changes in the ecosystem may pave the way for restoration of the Downeast cod fishery, according to Hayden.
The presentation will begin at 5:30pm and will be held at Space with a Soul, located at 281 Summer Street in Boston. Admission is free with complimentary appetizers and a cash bar.
To learn more about this event or to register to attend, visit
– Haley Jordan