Kerry Emanuel, a renowned climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Manomet trustee, this week told the annual Summerfest gathering that climate change is well understood, straightforward and potentially catastrophic.


More than 120 trustees, councilors, partners and friends gathered on July 9 at Manomet headquarters overlooking Cape Cod Bay for the Summerfest celebration. Emanuel was the keynote speaker, summarizing the history of climate science and the projections for future climate change.


Emanuel told the crowd that if atmospheric carbon dioxide doubles pre-industrial levels, there will be a significant risk of rising sea levels, heat stress and geopolitical disruption caused by food and water shortages. He noted, however, that humans are on track to push atmospheric carbon dioxide far beyond a doubling of pre-industrial levels.


At the end of his talk, Emanuel bemoaned the lack of progress from the highest levels of government on limiting carbon emissions. He praised organizations like Manomet that work with industries, communities and individuals to take climate action from the ground up.


The Summerfest event was sponsored by Rockland Trust, Rogers & Gray Insurance, and Windhaven Investment Management.


Dave McGlinchey